We are proud to announce the integration of new social media features into MBC custom website solutions. Now every page of our website solutions can have Facebook "Like" or Twitter "Tweet" button that will also display the count. The Facebook button uses the advanced facebook XFBML tags techology.

The cool thing about our Facebook Like button is that is gives the visitor the enhance option to add comments when they click on it. Many websites with like buttons do not offer this because it requires a higher level of technology, implementation, setup and time. Especailly if it will appear on every page (i.e. news, calendar, photo gallery and standard website pages)

When a person adds a Facebook comment, it gets a higher prominence on the visitor's Facebook wall.

Getting the right people "Liking" and Tweeting your pages is a great way to make your website go viral.

Here is a profile page on our Kaimuki website.

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