The MBC Contact Manager Database comes with a robust Keyword Management System that makes managing groups of contacts super easy. View screen shots below.

Keyword System Key Features
  • Assign or remove keywords by just clicking on the keyword.
  • Unlimited number of keywords in the Keyword Legend file.
  • Create and edit your own keywords.
  • Edited keywords automatically update related contact records.
  • Contact count feature will quickly allow you to view a count of the number contacts for each keyword.
  • Batch assign keywords to a group of contacts (see batch processing).
  • Batch remove keywords from a group of contacts (see batch processing).
  • Dynamic search of keywords from Contact, History, Follow-Up and Events file from a simple pop-up menu.
  • Extensive validation system to ensure the integrity of the keyword data.
  • NOTE: Limit of 30 keywords per contact. We have yet to run into a client that needs more keywords per contact, but it is possible. Additional MBC programming will be required to increase the contact keyword limit.

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